object BackupDotNetDialog: TBackupDotNetDialog Left = 0 Top = 0 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = '.NET configuration progress' ClientHeight = 145 ClientWidth = 489 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poMainFormCenter OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnShow = FormShow DesignSize = ( 489 145) PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object lblTitle: TResLabel Left = 19 Top = 8 Width = 447 Height = 40 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight] AutoSize = False Caption = 'Please wait until the application downloads and configures .NET ' + 'framework' Transparent = True WordWrap = True ExplicitWidth = 597 end object lblCurrentAction: TResLabel Left = 19 Top = 54 Width = 202 Height = 16 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Downloading...' Transparent = True end object btnMain: TResTeButton Left = 177 Top = 107 Width = 118 Height = 25 OnClick = btnMainClick Caption = 'btnMain' TabOrder = 0 end object pbDownloadProgress: TTeProgressBar Left = 19 Top = 76 Width = 447 Height = 16 BorderWidth = 0 Position = 0 Orientation = kpoHorizontal ThemeObject = 'default' ShowBorder = True Smooth = True end object ThemeForm: TTeForm2 ThemeObject = 'StandardDialog' Left = 16 Top = 94 end end